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Yael Schoultz

Founder of L'Chaim z.s.

Yael Schoultz, D.Min., is the Founder and Director of L'Chaim NGO which reaches out to women engaged in the sex industry. Originally from South Africa, she moved to the Czech Republic in 2011 to start her PhD studies and later completed a D.Min. focused on anti-trafficking training curriculum that is faithful to the embodied encounters of volunteers and sex industry workers.

She has been visiting women in prostitution in the Czech republic since 2011. She has collaborated with various organisations with regards to anti-trafficking work, including La Strada, Amnesty International, the European Freedom Network, The National Freedom Network (of South Africa), to name a few. She regularly gives awareness talks on modern slavery and forced prostitution, and has done so in South Africa, the USA, and all around the Czech Republic.

She is an expert in the field of anti-human trafficking and is currently writing a book on the topic with a specific focus on the Czech republic. When not engaged in anti-trafficking work she is usually engaged in activities at her local synagogue or travelling. 

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